Being a first time mom, you normally don’t know what you will need until the time comes. I didn’t have a clue what to put on my registry so I just went through scanning everything in sight. Which is why I’ve put together a top 10 list:
1. Diapers – Keep in mind that babies go through about 10 diapers a day so in my opinion you can never have enough diapers. The hospital used Pampers and I’ve tried different kinds but I keep coming back to Pampers. My absolute favorite is the Pampers Baby Dry. They keep my baby dry through the night.
2. Wipes – Another one that you can’t have enough of. I’m fond of Pampers Sensitive wipes and they seem to work well for my baby.
3. Diaper Rash Cream – I’m a fan of Aquaphor and Desitin
. Both have done a great job for me. In the beginning, I used only Aquaphor and once I noticed redness I would use Desitin. So I go back and forth between those two.
4. Clothes – In my case, I could have really used Preemie Clothes but we didn’t know it at the time. But for the most part 0-3 Months
clothes are a great gift.
5. Toys – Toys are a great way for babies to start developing skills. I didn’t get a lot of toys at my baby shower but the few I did get were great. The ones that hang from the car seat and stroller handle were my favorite to start off with.
6. Blankets – I loved getting blankets. We used them a lot in the beginning and my daughter found one to be her favorite! So, she now takes it every where with her.
7. Bath Gift Sets – These are wonderful to have. Most Gift Sets come with everything you need for a bath but let’s not forget we need the cute towels and washcloths too!
8. Services – How many new parents do you know that are eager to do housework or yard work after their baby has came home? That’s right, a gift certificate for housecleaning or yard work would have been so awesome for my baby shower.
9. Books – Another great way for babies to learn! Every night before bedtime, we sit down and read one or two books. It works out great because we have our routine set and when we sit down and read, my daughter is understanding it’s almost bed time.
10. Bottles – I have tried all kinds of bottles with my baby but Dr. Brown and MAM
are her preferred choice. Don’t forget the bottle cleaning brushes!
So, there you have it! My list of the Top 10 Baby Shower Gifts! You can’t go wrong getting any of these items as a Baby Shower Gift. Happy shopping!
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